The 57th Annual D&AD Awards are now open for submissions, with eleven categories reimagined to highlight the best of the modern creative industries: Animation, Casting, Cinematography, Direction, Editing, Illustration, Photography, Production Design, Sound Design & Use of Music, Typography and Visual Effects.
The Jury Presidents of the craft categories will then form the Black Pencil Craft Jury to better spotlight standalone crafts to be judged in context at the highest and most prestigious level.
Additional changes to this year's Awards include the opportunity for budding professionals to submit their work into newly formed 'Next' subcategories, a platform for emerging creatives, designers and crafts practitioners to showcase their individual talents.
The Collaborative category will move from fee-based to a "special" award to honor the design, advertising and production companies that maintain long-term successful relationships with their clients.
The deadline for entries is February 20, and entries received by December 12 will be eligible for a 10% discount on the entry fee.
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