Constructed Landscapes - How Airports Are Transforming Urban Design

Constructed Landscapes: How Airports Are Transforming Urban Design

Produced during the Denver edition of Aerial Futures, Constructed Landscapes explores the role of the airport in urban development. In Denver, where the population is growing fast, what will emerging technologies mean for the airport's vast expanse of surrounding land?

Traditionally airport greenfield has been left untouched by urban developers, particularly for residential purposes, but advances in technology mean this space can now be reimagined. Mobility technologies like hyperloop will bring the city center closer to the periphery, creating a network of mobility hubs, while advances in building materials could mean unprecedented soundproofing.

Featuring interviews with Charles Waldheim of the Harvard Graduate School of Design, Fred Merrill of Sasaki, Curtis Fentress of Fentress Architects and Matthew Needham of HOK, this think tank and resulting video asks how Denver Airport is developing its surrounding land in innovative ways.

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