Inside Facebook, the Analog Research Lab is considered the company's "heart and conscience," largely known for their popular posters such as "Be the Nerd," or "Kick the Shit Out of Option B," both odes to inspirational things the company's leaders have said over the years.
The Lab exists to promote creativity, innovation, openness, and connectivity within the Facebook community through art and design. It offers print-making and wood working classes, as well as resources for other forms of visual art. Since so much of the work at Facebook is digital, many employees find it valuable to work with their hands and exercise a different part of their brains. The lab also serves as a creative conscience and unifier, connecting its strong culture across offices as Facebook scales globally.
The Right Kind of Wrong: Inside the Facebook Analog Research Lab is a public exhibition featuring the posters, printed matter and installation work from the Lab. The exhibition is on view at the Type Directors Club in NYC through March 29, 2019.