2019 LOOT - MAD About Jewelry

2019 LOOT: MAD About Jewelry

The nineteenth edition of LOOT: MAD About Jewelry, the Museum of Arts and Design's annual exhibition and sale of one-of-a-kind contemporary jewelry, will be open to the public April 9 through April 13. LOOT 2019 will feature the work of fifty-five emerging and acclaimed international jewelry artists and designers, most of whom have never been shown in New York.

"The jewelry content of LOOT 2019 is particularly noteworthy in two specific areas," commented LOOT Curator Bryna Pomp. "Firstly, this year's exhibition presents a great number of outstanding young makers who are already creating groundbreaking work. Secondly, it features a larger presence of jewelry in precious metals, particularly in silver and in gold, often with semiprecious and precious stones, that is exceptionally original in design."

MAD is the only museum in the United States with a gallery dedicated to the display of both special jewelry exhibitions and its permanent collection of contemporary and modern studio and art jewelry.

Photo: Necklace by Jaesun Won

more: madmuseum.org (153)

Museum of Arts and Design

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