Orhan Irmak Tasarim has created the new branding for Olipop olive snacks. Stuffed green olives in 30g packs are available with three different ingredients - fresh thyme, rind of lemon and rind of orange.
Olipop olives are going to be one of the most innovative examples of the healthy snacks trend. The Olipop brand is created from the words "olive" and "lollipop" and was inspired by the image of a single olive on a toothpick that looks like a lollipop. "We also visualized an olive on a toothpick to underline the meaning of the brand," explained Dr. Orhan Irmak, design director of the agency. "To differentiate the variants, we used vibrant colors that contrast the navy blue and olive-green tones on a natural stone background but also reflect the snacking vibe."
Although olives are widely consumed in Turkish cusine especially as an essential part of the breakfasts, they were never considered or marketed as snacking alternative. This is what makes the Olipop unique in the growing healthy snacking market.