Adobe XD has announced two new plugins that leverage artificial intelligence, providing new ways for designers to enhance their design work and create dynamic user experiences.
The first plug-in integrates XD with the popular 'This Person Does Not Exist' service, an AI-powered website that automatically produces a random computer generated photo of a fictional person, which was named the 'best one-off website of 2019.' XD users can now bring AI-generated avatars into their designs.
Additionally, Vempathy for XD enables designers to initiate a user test that records video of participants interacting with their XD prototypes and determine sentiment through video and audio analytics.
These plug-ins enables designers to streamline their workflows while also gaining valuable user insights through the power of AI.
Additional marquee updates to XD this month include improvements working with vectors in XD and Illustrator - you can now copy and paste vectors from XD into Illustrator as fully editable vector content to quickly change details in a design element. Also, it's now easier to load fonts from the Adobe Fonts library, as well as manage non-Adobe fonts right in XD. Now, when users open documents that contain fonts they don't currently have installed in Creative Cloud, XD will automatically activate Adobe Fonts in the background.
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