Panasonic Design has debuted the Vitrine prototype - a glass cabinet that evolves into a OLED screen - at Salone del Mobile.Milano 2019. The prototype appears to be wooden frame holding a pane of glass within it, but when switched on, the glass transforms to a vivid OLED display.
The prototype is the result of a two-year R&D project by Panasonic, Vitra, and Daniel Rybakken - exploring how new technologies can seamlessly integrate audio-visual devices into our living spaces. The technological components are cleverly concealed within the wooden frame which also serves as a stand for the device. A lightning element, which enhances the viewing and ambient experience, is also directly and unobtrusively housed within the frame.
"The model carefully balances between art and design," Rybakken commented. "As a screen it no longer dictates its placement nor its role in the living space. The dominating large black surface is instead transformed into something that can highlight what's behind, what's displayed or nothing at all."

Photos: Courtesy of Panasonic