Offecct Launches Grandfield Sofa System by Christophe Pillet

Offecct Launches Grandfield Sofa System by Christophe Pillet

Offecct has launched the Grandfield Sofa System by designer Christophe Pillet. Equally accomplished in expression and functionality, the sofa system offers a natural place for meetings, rest and socializing no matter the environment or context it's placed in.

"Even though I don't stay for a long time on a sofa, I still expect it to be comfortable. A sofa should be ultimate in all respects no matter where it is placed, and should be made with the same attention to detail regardless of how it will be used," Pillet said. "The challenge of creating a sofa that fits into many different environments and appeals to a large number of people lies in finding a simple expression."

Simplicity is hard to achieve because it can come dangerously close to the banal, but Pillet has always managed to stay on the right side of that boundary, and this is evident in his collaboration with Offecct. Grandfield is a simple, generous, soft sofa that can be extended with platforms and sections to suit multiple needs. It's a complete solution with a long, sustainable life.

Photos: Courtesy of Offecct


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