EMERGENCY, in partnership with SOSDesign, has launched a call for ideas for design projects that will contribute to the organization's main aim of providing high-quality medical and surgical care to victims of war, landmines and poverty.
Awareness of the 'disasters of war,' and the recognition that it was possible to help alleviate victims' suffering, led to EMERGENCY's founding in 1994. Since then, EMERGENCY has promoted a culture of peace and respect for human rights.
'Design Against War' invites participants to create solutions for Spaces, Products and Services which would solve, contain, facilitate, sustain, and emphasise the practical, psychological, relational or cultural aspects of how countries are shaped by conflict.
This may range from the shocking and widespread conflict in Afghanistan and Iraq, to the smaller-scale conflict that unravels away from the public eye in parts of Italy. The design projects should be capable of giving shape to a concept (abstract), a solution (practical) or a process (creative or constructive) that could treat, protect, care, bear witness, preserve, translate, share, report, analyse, defend, provide access, relocate, feed, pay, love (and so on) in severely war-torn contexts.
The extended deadline for submissions is July 25, 2019.
more: desall.com (334)