All-new documentary film Chasing Perfect, revealing the captivating story of designer, Frank Stephenson, is now available to order. Directed by Helena Coan, the film gives a unique insight into the design stories behind Stephenson's most iconic cars, including the MINI, Fiat 500 and McLaren P1.
"I hope this film will inspire new generations of designers and to show that with dedication and hard work anything is achievable," Stephenson commented. "I am fortunate that I have worked with some of the best design teams in the world and at the most interesting car companies - we made some amazing cars possible. Although we never quite achieved perfect there is a lot we can be proud of."
Stephenson led design teams at Ferrari, Maserati, Alfa Romeo, Fiat, Lancia, McLaren, and MINI, and tells fascinating unheard anecdotes about the creation of his many automotive masterpieces. With these incredible insights into the world of designing cars, and with an in-depth tour of Jay Leno's legendary garage, Chasing Perfect is a must-watch for all car enthusiasts.
Frank is currently working with Lilium to develop an icon of the future: the world's first all-electric vertical take-off and landing on-demand taxi service. Lilium is targeting 2025 as the date customers will first be able to book a flying taxi through its app.
Image: Courtesy of Lionsgate