UniBap Pocket Park Design Competition

UniBap Pocket Park Design Competition

by Matthew Tennant

University Baptist Church, Charlottesville, VA, has launched a design competition to envision a welcoming park between the church parking lot and West Main St., Charlottesville. It will be a place where people can gather. Many pedestrians pass the 23' x 95' area each day as they go between the UVA Hospital and other businesses and the restaurants on the Corner. Providing a green space to enjoy the outdoors in the center of the city would further the ministry of the church.

After the August 12, 2017 protests in Charlottesville, the church felt a renewed desire to create a welcoming space. Currently, the church under-utilizes the grassy area between its parking lot and West Main St. There are a church sign and four mature trees. Any design must incorporate the existent trees. The church envisions seating and tables to allow passersby to stop and enjoy the space. Creative and out-of-the-box thinking is encouraged. Eco-friendly designs and the use of reclaimed materials match with the church's identity.

University Baptist Church will donate $1,000 to a charity chosen by the person who submits the winning design.

The deadline for submissions is October 1, 2019.

more: universitybaptist.org (323)

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