FutureBrand UXUS Releases 'Retail and Everyday Wonder' Report

FutureBrand UXUS Releases 'Retail & Everyday Wonder' Report

FutureBrand UXUS has released its new report, 'Retail & Everyday Wonder: The Future Needs Magic,' which aims to explore the role that design plays in shaping the future of retail.

This white paper looks at the current 'crisis' in bricks & mortar retail and analyses how the combination of immersive in-store design and imaginative digital features can create a successful environment that acts as "an interface for authentic conversations between the brand and the consumer around shared beliefs."

Drawing on its years of expertise within experiential design, FutureBrand UXUS discusses the importance of shareability, sensorial engagement, and active customer conversations, outlining the ways in which brands can "break the algorithm" and "disrupt the ordinary into extraordinary."

more: futurebranduxus.com (125)

FutureBrand UXUS

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