Design Week Lagos 2019

Design Week Lagos 2019

The inaugural Design Week Lagos (DWL) - a city-wide celebration seeking to reincarnate tradition, redefine narrative and catalyze new thinking for the future of design in Africa and beyond - will be held October 1-20 under the theme of 'Lagos 2099: Redefining the Narrative.'

This central theme embodies the birth of a new era in African design where African designers, historians, critical thinkers and creatives take on the responsibility of defining the intrinsic nature of African design, paying homage to our rich history to ensure the continuity of our heritage for the benefit of Africans, and the global design community and its consumers.

"Design Week Lagos aims to champion a renaissance in Africa's cultural, economic and technological ascension in design so that it operates as a tool for conversation, development, movement and economic growth," said Titi Ogufere, founder and director of the event.

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