Kids Design Award 2020

Kids Design Award 2020

Aspiring designers and young professionals are invited to submit their designs for the 2020 Kids Design Award. The young talent prize, awarded by the German trade fair company Koelnmesse, celebrates outstanding concepts and visionary designs for children's products and furniture.

The jury will nominate ten designs to be presented as prototypes to an international audience at the 2020 Kind+Jugend - the leading international trade show for premium baby and toddler products, attracting over 22,000 industry visitors every year.

In addition to an expert jury of eight professionals, numerous renowned manufacturers will also be supporting each phase of the awards. As product sponsors, they will be helping the young designers to develop their submitted design entries into market-ready products and facilitating their market launch. The young designers will also have the chance to make many important industry contacts.

The competition is open to all design students and to young designers from all over the world who have graduated within the last five years. Eligible for submission are designs or concepts that have not yet been produced as market-ready prototypes.

The extended deadline for submissions is June 30, 2020.

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