Studio O+A Designs Office Expansion for LiveRamp

Studio O+A Designs Office Expansion for LiveRamp

After designing two floors for identity resolution provider LiveRamp in San Francisco's Standard Oil Building, O+A was invited to design a third. While the two previous floors mirror each other in the way they juxtapose highly finished contemporary design with building's raw original infrastructure (plenty of exposed brick), the third pulls all three floors into a cohesive whole (with a few adjustments to the earlier floors). A mix of styles-modern wall graphics and vintage chandeliers-reflects the company's playful spirit, as does the bold color palette.

The U-shaped footprint was making wayfinding a challenge, so O+A came up with an innovative, intuitive color scheme tied to the circadian rhythms of the day: the east (sunrise) wing is cast in warm tones, the west (evening) wing features cool colors. Floor graphics provide a further assist with orientation.

"When you design for a client's growth over a series of floors and a period of years, what you learn about the design aligns with what the client learns about its business," commented Joseph Rodriguez, Studio O+A Design Director. "O+A's initial work for LiveRamp embraced the raw energy of the company's beginnings and the 'Swiss Army Knife' utility of its workplace philosophy. The new design provides a more fully integrated environment for a maturing, but still growing company. Better circulation, better space alignment, a more versatile range of work options-the new floor, in partnership with the previous, conveys the energy and optimism of a confident LiveRamp on its way to new discoveries-and a prosperous future."

Photography: Garrett Rowland

Studio O+A

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