Textiles and Wellbeing - The New Normal

Textiles and Wellbeing: The New Normal

This Thursday, August 13th at 10:00 am EDT, Kvadrat will be hosting 'Textiles and Wellbeing: The New Normal,' a webinar that explores the role of textiles in the wake of COVID19 - from health and safety to mental wellbeing, creativity, and beyond.

In the wake of the pandemic, there is a perception that tactile, natural and porous materials like wood and fabrics are somehow less safe than hard, wipe-clean surfaces like plastic, glass and metal. However, the evidence simply doesn't bear this out. As companies ready themselves for their employees' return, health and safety concerns are high on the agenda - and rightly so. Social distancing and good hygiene practices are part of our new normal.

In the maelstrom of a global health crisis, it is important that we don't neglect mental health and wellbeing. Natural materials, such as wood and wool can help improve cognitive performance, creativity and mood. Stimulating the sense of touch through their tactility, they also make us feel more connected, trusting and generous - all important factors as employers seek to redefine the office as a hub for culture and collaboration.

Join design journalist Katie Treggiden in conversation with Kvadrat's Senior Vice President of Products Charlotte Bastholm Skjold as they explore how we can make sure the new normal is better than the one we've left behind.

more: kvadratshop.com (101)


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