Future Lions 2021 - Call for Entries

Future Lions 2021: Call for Entries

Future Lions, AKQA's annual global competition to unearth the next generation of creative talent, is now open for entries. This year's Future Lions theme is a call to action for young people aged 18-25 to showcase how creativity is an essential skillset to 'Rebuild The World.' Young people are encouraged to use the power of imagination and technology to create a campaign, product, or solution that will help shape the future.

Due to the current global situation, the brief will be open until 1st April 2021. Four winning teams will pitch their ideas live to an expert creative jury in Summer 2021.

In a first for the competition, one of the four winners will be crowned grand prix. The team will then work with the LEGO Group and AKQA to create the idea. Each of the teams will be honoured with a prestigious Future Lions trophy.

The deadline for submissions is April 1, 2021.

Image: Courtesy of AKQA

more: futurelions.com (574)


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