Born and Bred Designs Identity and Packaging for Pinkglow Pineapple

Born & Bred Designs Identity and Packaging for Pinkglow Pineapple

Born & Bred has designed the brand identity for the world's newest fruit - the pink pineapple. The Pinkglow Pineapple identity and packaging is the 'Jewel of the Jungle' - a rare treasure fit for royalty.

Fresh Del Monte has been developing its pink pineapple for sixteen years. Aside from its sweeter taste and juicier texture, it's the raised levels of lycopene (the pigment that makes tomatoes red) that make this fruit shine like a ruby. But unlike the average pineapple grown en masse and available globally, the newly released Pinkglow Pineapple is grown exclusively at a sustainable farm in Costa Rica, so customers can only order these rare pineapples online, and at a price.

The crown of every pink pineapple is cut, as it is needed to grow a new one. But as the designers quickly realized, it is not the most attractive feature to receive an expensive pineapple with its crown missing. So the designers at Born & Bred decided to build the story of the brand around the crown, and the idea of the royal fruit, which elevates the pineapple into an heirloom.

'The Jewel of the Jungle' is the tagline for the Pinkglow Pineapple; its logo a luxurious interpretation of the pineapple crown. The brand itself tells a story - a rare gem found from deep within the exotic jungle, specially packaged (with 'Precious Cargo' printed right on the box) and shipped straight to customers' door. Deep greens with an abstract pineapple pattern used throughout the branded materials feel like it's pulled directly from the wallpaper of a royal Caribbean family home, sharply contrasted with textured, pink-toned, custom lettering that feels like it is cut straight from the pineapple. Upon receiving the 'precious cargo' box, each layer of unwrapping reveals brighter colors in a jungle-esque wrapping, finally revealing the pineapple with a 'Letter of Authenticity' that adds to its royal status.

The name 'Pinkglow' is brilliantly designed to reflect a larger business strategy for its parent brand, Fresh Del Monte. Responding to the COVID crisis, the company had to quickly shift its retail and trade strategy to direct-to-consumer, a new move for a company that has never needed to rely on brand recognition in its 134-year history. Of course, it would be difficult to avoid consumers simply referring to this as 'the Pink Pineapple,' so designing an easy name with 'pink' highlighted upfront became key. 'Pinkglow' fits into a broader product hierarchy for the company (alongside the 'Honeyglow' sweet pineapple), and fitting the Fresh Del Monte name directly into the logo lockup begins to build brand recognition for its parent company. "From a design perspective, our goal was to reveal the Pinkglow Pineapple like a sneaker drop, and get customers looking to Fresh Del Monte for its next big move," explained Kyle Merwin, Co-Founder and Chief Strategist of Born & Bred.

Photos: Courtesy of Born & Bred

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