What Design Can Do, in partnership with the IKEA Foundation, has launched 'No Waste Challenge' - asking designers and creatives everywhere to reduce waste and rethink consumerism.
No Waste Challenge aims to tackle one of the most pressing issues of our time: waste. This global design competition calls on all creatives and innovators to submit innovative solutions to reduce waste and re-design the way we extract, produce, and consume resources on the planet.
"Designers are in a unique position to change how things are made, and what they are made of," said Richard van der Laken, creative director of WDCD. "A growing number of creatives have already taken an active role in the transition to a circular economy, by experimenting with materials and processes, raising awareness, and inspiring vital new narratives around waste as a resource. But there is a lot more potential. Now more than ever, the design community must step up, own up and lead."
Each winner will receive €10.000 in funding and enter a tailor-made development program that propels their projects through 2022.
The deadline for submissions is April 1, 2021.
more: nowaste.whatdesigncando.com (638)