New 'Build Smart' Podcast Helps Architects and Designers Survive Recessions

New 'Build Smart' Podcast Helps Architects & Designers Survive Recessions

Build Smart is a narrative podcast that features Patrick MacLeamy, FAIA, architect, and former CEO of the global firm HOK. This 14-episode series is based on MacLeamy's Book, 'Designing a World-Class Architecture Firm.'

The podcast will discuss recession-proofing tips derived from MacLeamy's 50-year career at HOK, including his tenure as firm CEO. MacLeamy will highlight innovative solutions and tough decisions that sustained HOK through multiple economic swings, culminating in it becoming one of the world's Top 10 architecture and engineering firms.

Topics will include: Creating a Recession-Proof Firm; Leading vs. Managing, Structuring the Firm Around Specialized Leaders; Capitalization: Outside Investors, Working With Banks; Diversification: Division Launches, Mergers, Acquisitions; Reclaiming Company Culture, Positive Peer Pressure; and Confronting Crisis.

New episodes will be posted every Monday from April 12 through July 5, 2021.

Photo: Courtesy of Gābl Media


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