PB Creative recently partnered with Kraft Heinz for a new Vegan Mayo range. With greater awareness of the environmental impact of our food choices and a growing number of consumers turning to plant-based diets either permanently or regularly, the food landscape is changing. Veganism is becoming an unstoppable worldwide trend with 20% of EU consumers now calling themselves flexitarians, meaning that they have a primarily vegetarian diet but occasionally eat fish or meat, and 1% identifying as completely vegan.
While the plant-based category is well-established, it sometimes lacks excitement, quality and flavor. Kraft Heinz has therefore chosen to create an exciting new range of creamy & egg-free mayos packed with punchy plant-based flavors. Designed by PB Creative, the new range delivers on great taste but is also aligned with consumers' health, environmental and ethical beliefs.
Three new flavorsome recipes have been developed to make everyday plant-based meals taste significantly more exciting. Garlic Aioli is delicious for dipping with chips, smoky Chilli can add spice to bean burgers and the creamy Classic makes for a tastier lunchtime sandwich. The range contains no artificial flavors or colors.

PB has created a range design that plays to premium vegan category codes whilst evoking superior taste and flavor appeal with reassurance on naturality. Each color-coded variant delivers a vibrant flavor hit expressed via a sophisticated color palette. The indulgent dark green background provides a rich canvas to hero the key flavor ingredients, while a crafted leaf illustration delivers natural ingredient cues.
"Our aim was to elevate and reinvigorate the vegan experience and remove the perceived blandness from the category," explained Lloyd Moffatt, Creative Director at PB Creative. "We wanted to create a confident and assertive range aesthetic that communicated flavour at the very heart of the proposition while still reassuring consumers on the vegan nature of the product."

Photos: Courtesy of PB Creative