Checkland Kindleysides has launched Morrow - the world's first Autofocal eyewear brand. The Autofocal Eyewear has lenses that switch between near and far vision, at just the click of a button.
Five years in development, Morrow aims to revolutionize the world of prescription glasses by activating a thin layer of patented 'Active Liquid Crystal' in between two lenses. A single pair of Morrow glasses allows wearers to see at every focal range.
Having started working with the entrepreneurs behind the brand at the patent stage, Checkland Kindleysides developed the complete brand and communications strategy, encompassing brand strategy; identity system; activation and all content creation to take Morrow to market. Aimed at the over 45 markets, the resulting strategy responds to their desire for visual independence and individuality with a stylish, game-changing product.
Inspired by the language of vision, Checkland Kindleysides has brought meaning and character to the brand name 'Morrow,' expressing the sentiment that there's always 'Mor' to see'. 'MOR' flipped upside-down reads 'ROW,' which is represented in the logo, directly mirroring how the eye sees and translates objects through the brain. The key brand colors are black and white; their opposition mimicking the switch in contrast from going from near to far vision and back again, instantly.
The purchase journey, designed by Checkland Kindleysides, includes novel ways for customers to determine their eligibility for Autofocals using an online assessment tool. After answering a set of questions, users receive their unique visionary profile and Autofocal score: a percentile to show them how much their vision can be improved.
Those who choose to proceed are then visited at home by a Morrow-trained optometrist, who uses a toolkit, imagined by Checkland Kindleysides, to deliver a complete Autofocal experience and eye exam service. Activated lenses allow customers to experience the technology before ordering. If they choose to purchase, their pair is custom-built to their unique Autofocal prescription and comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

"Morrow's founders have created a highly sophisticated challenger technology brand," commented Ewart O'Connor, Principal Creative, Checkland Kindleysides. "With our close involvement in this project from the outset, we've been thrilled to shape the creation of the visionary new brand and its journey to consumers every step of the way.
"Our creative aim was to reflect the complete freedom this technology will bring to its target audience. Working in close partnership has enabled us all to make Morrow's benefits clear to see."

Images: Courtesy of Checkland Kindleysides