Be Original Americas Opens Originality Deconstructed Exhibition

Be Original Americas Opens Originality Deconstructed Exhibition

On view at Ace Hotel New York from October 19th to 30th, The Be Original Americas: Originality Deconstructed exhibition celebrates creativity by pulling back the curtain on the 'how' and 'why' of some of the international design industry's most iconic products, demystifying what goes into their conception.

Commemorating Be Original Americas' 10th anniversary, the showcase incorporates physical designs, disassembled elements, and raw materials by members Emeco, Flos, Louis Poulsen, and Suzanne Tick.

With woven tapestries, stacked pendants, luminaires, monumental floor lamps, forged ergonomic chairs, and several other iconic designs, the showcase offers an in-depth look into different aspects of production that few ever have a chance to witness. By uncovering the various facets of production, the exhibition allows visitors to better understand issues surrounding sustainability-how materials are sourced and processed-and the challenges of copyrighting design.

Brands are increasingly confronted with the new realities of the digital marketplace and continue to see their most important items copied by nefarious parties seeking to capitalize on their success. What goes into ensuring the authenticity of a carefully conceived and meticulously manufactured object, especially those with historical significance?

The capsule exhibition is presented as two cabinets of curiosity wall displays incorporating the various components of the iconic products in question. A series of complementary videos from Bernhardt Design, Emeco, Flos, Louis Poulsen, Lumens, and Modern Metal Designs offer even more insight into what goes on behind the scenes and how leading industry players pay close attention to every step of manufacturing.

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Be Original Americas