Jeff Fisher LogoMotives Receives American Corporate Identity 22 Honors

Jeff Fisher LogoMotives Receives American Corporate Identity 22 Honors

The Portland graphic design firm Jeff Fisher LogoMotives has been honored with four awards in the American Corporate Identity 22 design competition.

The Portland graphic design firm Jeff Fisher LogoMotives has been honored with four awards in the American Corporate Identity 22 design competition. The winning entries will be featured in David E. Carter's book, "American Corporate Identity 2007," to be released later this year. Designer Jeff Fisher has received 25 of the ACI honors over the past nine years.

The identity for the Benicia Historical Museum - in Benicia, CA - was among those recognized. Sue Fisher, of TriAd, was the art director on the project. The new logo for Just Out, the news- magazine serving the LGBT community of Oregon and SW Washington, was also honored. Marty Davis, publisher of the paper, worked closely with Fisher to establish the new look. Fisher's graphic image for NoBox Design, a Portland interiors firm, also received an ACI 22 award. In addition, Twisted Elegance Interactive's identity was honored. A previous business entity of Jason Holland Design in Seattle, the firm's logo was recognized earlier in the P22 Fonts In Use Competition.

Jeff Fisher has received nearly 500 regional, national and international graphic design awards for his logo and corporate identity efforts. His work is featured in more than 80 books on the design of logos, the business of graphic design, and small business marketing.

Fisher is a member of the HOW Magazine Editorial Advisory Board, the HOW Design Conference Advisory Council and the Board of Directors of Proscodi: Professional Society of Communication Design. His own book, "The Savvy Designer's Guide to Success," was released by HOW Design Books in late 2004. He is currently writing "Identity Crisis," to be on bookshelves in 2007.



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