Psyop Designs Short Films for Coke

Psyop Designs Short Films for Coke

"Doggy" and "Mr. Happy: Cloud" are part of a series of short viral films commissioned by Coca-Cola to run online and on broadcast. The new campaign introduces viewers to the "Coke Side of Life." Agency W+K: Amsterdam invited artists to submit their personal interpretations of the brief and then paired ideas with new music from up and coming artists.

Cloud 02
Cloud 04
Cloud 06
Cloud 07
Cloud 08

"Mr. Happy: Cloud" is a 3D piece made to look like clay-mation. It stars two little red mounds of clay, and shows what happens when one tries to cheer the other up. Mr. Happy, aptly named, is the optimist of the duo. In this spot, Mr. Happy finds his little friend being rained upon by a cloud. Turning his clay body into a ladder, Mr. Happy's generosity allows for his friend to climb up onto the cloud and get out of the stormy weather. In a moment of silly clumsiness, the two friends fall into one another and form the iconic Coke bottle shape.

Agency: W + K Amsterdam
Client: Coke
Spot Title
Mr. Happy: "Cloud,"
Mr. Happy: "Match,"
Mr. Happy: "Suit"
Length: all are :15's, Cloud is also a :20
Release Date: March/April 2006
Creative Directors: Marie Hyon and Zoe Wishart
Director/Designer: Zoe Wishart
Executive Producer: Justin Booth-Clibborn
Producer: Mariya Shikher
3D Animators: Kevin Estey, Miles Southan
3D Artists: Joshua Harvey, Andrew Harper
Cloud Composite in Flame:Chris Staves
Suit and Match Composite in After Effects: Bee Jin Tan
Audio: Brett Goldberg

DogComp 1
DogComp 2
DogComp 3
DogComp 4
DogComp 5

"Doggy" stars a burping, scratching, farting mutt full of bad attitude and filthy teeth. His whole body exudes "NO!" literally—little word bubbles float up from his fur like dust and grime. This all changes when he comes upon a Coke bottle. Barking and snapping, the unhappy doggy tries to impose his will upon the found bottle. In the end, he accidentally ingests the Coke, and his negativity melts away—going from NoNoNoNoNo to Yesssssss.

Agency: W + K Amsterdam
Client: Coke
Spot title: "Doggy"
Length: :20 and :15
Release Date: March 2006
Creative Director: Marie Hyon
Director/Designer: Mato Bilic
Executive Producer: Justin Booth-Clibborn
Producer: Mariya Shikher
2D & 3D Animators
Joshua Harvey
Kevin Estey
Joe Burrascano
Bee Jin Tan
Mato Bilic
Audio: Soundguild



  • 6,334 impressions, 59,411 clicks