CSD Promotes Professionalism with China

CSD Promotes Professionalism with China

The Chartered Society of Designers (CSD) has signed a collaboration agreement with the Dragon Design Festival (DDF), a new foundation for design in China, at their first annual festival in Qingdao, China.

During the signing ceremony held on Saturday 11th November, Mr Xinglie, Secretary General of DDF, commented that "he was delighted to work with CSD in the promotion of professional practice in design."

The festival showcased work by young Chinese designers and was attended by government officials from the People's Republic of China, representatives from international design bodies, designers, academics and businesses.

The exhibition also included displays of work by thirty CSD members.

CSD Chief Executive Frank Peters gave the opening address of the three-day conference and said "that it was important for professional designers to collaborate and build bridges for the benefit of their profession and their global clients and the environment."

He added that "this agreement forms part of CSD's ongoing strategy of furthering professional practice and promoting design in business on the world stage under the CSD brand of professionalism."

more: csd.org.uk (222)

Chartered Society of Designers

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