Trollback and Company Gets If'fy with It

Trollback + Company Gets If'fy with It

A new nationwide campaign for MetLife sees the word IF take center stage. The spots use this simple two-letter word, also found within the MetLife brand name, as a vehicle to highlight all the uncertainties of life. Through a series of animated sequences, the viewer is taken on a narrative journey illustrating how MetLife has the "Guarantees for the Ifs in life."

Earlier this year in June, Trollback + Company created a spot for MetLife featuring animated variations on the word "if." The new "If" campaign began airing late September.


Project Title: MetLife "IF"

Contact for Client Approvals: Alex Gianni
Contact for Client Quotes: Alex Gianni
Contact for Trollback quotes: Aimee Przybylski
Assignment Category (e.g. main title, TV spot): TVCs
Product Name: MetLife Term Life Insurance
Length (if applicable): :30 (x2)
Launch date: September 24, 2006

Client Company: Young & Rubicam
Client City, State: New York, NY
Client credits (if applicable): Richard Goldstein, Sr. Creative Director / John Bolinger, Sr. Copy Writer / Keith Evans, Art Director / John Egan, Copy Writer / Alex Gianni, Senior Producer

Trollback + Company
Creative director(s): Jakob Trollback and Joe Wright andJason Koxvold, Associate Creative Director
Animator/Designers(s): Emre Veryeri, Ian St. James, Ron Winter
Producer(s): Rosali Concepcion
Executive Producer: Aimee Przybylski

Hardware/Software: Illustrator, After Effects, Maya

Creative Strategy: Using the original "Manifesto" IF spot as inspiration: Trollback was commissioned to continue with the successful campaign for MetLife Term Life Insurance.

Project Title: MetLife "GLT"

Contact for Client Approvals: Bea Mastalerz
Contact for Client Quotes: Bea Mastalerz
Contact for Trollback quotes: Aimee Przybylski
Assignment Category (e.g. main title, TV spot): TVC
Product Name: MetLife Term Life Insurance
Length (if applicable): :60
Launch date: September 28, 2006

Client Company: Draft FCB
Client City, State: New York, NY
Client credits (if applicable): Gary Scheiner, EVP, Exec. Creative Dir. / Auge Reichenberg, SVP, Group Creative Director / Jeff Cameron, Art Director / Beata Mastalerz, Brodadcast Producer

Trollback + Company
Creative director(s): Jakob Trollback and Joe Wright and Jason Koxvold, Associate Creative Director
Designer/Animator(s): Matt Tragesser, Ron Winter
Producer(s): Jenn Dewey
Executive Producer: Aimee Przybylski

Hardware/Software: Illustrator / After Effects / Maya

Creative Strategy: Springboarding from MetLife's successful "IF" campaign; Trollback + Co once again created a stylized spot to promote MetLife's Term Life Insurance.

Trollback + Company:

Trollback + Company

  • 8,852 impressions, 55,799 clicks