Icsid announced the winner of the 3rd annual World Industrial Design Day student poster competition. Paula Beatriz Cabrera Osorio and Vania Farias, students from the Instituto Profesional DuocUC de la Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile in Santiago, Chile, submitted the winning entry for this year's competition and will have their poster officially represent World Industrial Design Day 2011.

Held in celebration of World Industrial Design Day, commemorated annually on June 29, the competition invited students from Icsid member schools to submit posters interpreting this year's theme "Industrial Design: How does it improve your life?" From the numerous submitted entries, a jury of Icsid Executive Board members selected five finalists for the public online voting round of the competition based on their unique interpretation of this year's theme, outstanding creativity and artistic merit. After 17 days and over 1000 recorded votes, the poster created by Osorio and Farias emerged as the public's favourite design and earned the right to be distributed as the official poster for World Industrial Design Day 2011.
"This year's competition once again brought forth numerous creative and thoughtful designs from a greatly talented group of students," stated Brandon Gien, Jury Chair, Icsid Board Member and Executive Director of the Australian International Design Awards. "The theme for World Industrial Design Day 2011, 'Industrial Design: How does it improve your life?', was chosen to encourage a self-reflective look at the ways in which industrial design improves the social, cultural, economic and/or environmental quality of life of individuals and communities around the world. Just as this competition created a platform for students to contemplate the impact of design in their lives, so too will World Industrial Design Day on 29 June create a platform for the public to share their views on the everyday significance of design."
A high-resolution version of the winning poster is available for download and may be printed and circulated for use in any World Industrial Design Day 2011 initiative, and will be featured in the June edition of the Icsid Newsletter.