Illustration Portfolios
Amy Adams
Portfolio of illustration, design, and photography, with comments.
Brian Williamson
A flash-based portfolio of newspaper and magazine illustration, design and infographics.
Sara Woolley
Sara Woolley is an award-winning graphic artist with over 10 years of experience in illustration, sequential art and comics, children's illustration, book design, character design and concept art.
Dan Bramall
Fun, colorful, typographic, silly, observational illustration by Dan Bramall aka The Scribbler.
Iris Biran
Freelance illustrator, working in his own studio. My illustrations are hand made, mainly in acrylics, collage and drawing.
Leslie Duke
Online illustration portfolio of Leslie Duke. Leslie is a freelance illustrator based in Salt Lake City, UT.
Helen Stanton
Helen Stanton works in line, ink and watercolor. She has worked for a range of magazines and publishing houses including The Observer, Letts and The BBC.
Matt Heath
Matt Heath creates illustration and design work for fashion, concept art and much more, specializing in traditional and digital mediums. I love painting landscapes and interesting people.
Caroline Moore
Whimsical illustration, custom design services for small businesses and art for children by Caroline Moore.
Veronica Lacerda
Veronica Lacerda is an illustrator/designer based in London.
Ashley Silva
A New York City designer based in Tokyo. Works range from pattern design to original illustrations.
Katie Bellinder
The online portfolio of Katie Bellinder. She is currently residing in Venice, Florida.
Iris Luckhaus
Iris Luckhaus is a freelance illustrator and designer. She lives in Wuppertal, Berlin and Paris and works worldwide, on- and offline.
Henry Madsen
Henry Madsen is an illustrator and graphic designer. She creates illustration and specialises in icon and logos.
Ian David Marsden
Ian David Marsden is an experienced illustrator, character- and logo / identity-designer, animator and internationally published cartoonist.
Andy Linke
Online home of illustrator Andy Linke. Specializing in cartoon vector illustration.
Harriet Golden
Seasoned illustrator with over 20 years in the business working both with a team and independently in diverse areas from advertising, web design and editorial projects, seeking in trade freelance illustration projects in the areas of photo-collage and scratch-board.
Chris Fraser
A selection of work by Chris Fraser - designer, illustrator, animator and artist.
Genaro Martinez Medina
Mexican freelance illustrator based in the UK.
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson is a Columbus based freelance illustrator who loves super heroes, portraits and texture.
Diane Lucas
Diane Lucas is a freelance illustrator who specializes in children's illustration for publishers, self-publishers and businesses.
Uğur Köse
Uğur Köse creates color and black&white illustrations for children's books.
John Potter
Escape Key Graphics features illustration and illustrated maps by artist John Potter.
Stephan Lomp
Lomp is the German artist, illustrator and designer Stephan Lomp. He has been working since 1996 for print and web agencies, publishing houses and event marketing companies. He is a co-founder of the underground comic anthology "Herrensahne" and published 10 issues with fellow illustrators like Max Fiedler, Tobi Dahmen, Roman Klonek, Leo Leowald and others. Together they had exhibitions in Luxemburg, Luzern and Cologne.
Anke Weckmann
Linotte is the illustration portfolio of Anke Weckmann.
Birgit Amadori
Quality vector illustration by Birgit Amadori. Site features client orientated designs as well as free and original artworks
Alexis Marcou
Illustrator Alexis Marcou, graduated from Plymouth University, since then has been doing freelance work for a wide range of clients such as Cisco, Hewlett Packard, Atomic Skis and Nike.
Joyce Lee
An online illustration and web design portfolio by Joyce Lee.
Graham Roumieu
The work of author and illustrator Graham Roumieu.
Rengin Tumer
Portfolio of Rengin Tumer, game design student with a passion for illustration. Work includes illustration work, concept development and 3D rendering.