Package Design Awards
Created in 2007, Pentawards is the major worldwide annual competition exclusively devoted to packaging design in all its forms. Every year, packaging design from the world over are judged by a likewise international jury that selects the winners in accordance with the creative quality of the work submitted. Apart from prize-giving, Pentawards' mission is the promotion of packaging design with companies, the press, the economic and political authorities and the public in general, throughout the world.
FAB Awards
The FAB Awards is an international program focused entirely on work done for Food And Beverage brands. It recognizes the critical contribution that outstanding creative work makes to building brands, it identifies and rewards the leading practitioners from over 60 countries, and it acknowledges their contribution to their clients and their agencies.
Starpack Awards
The pre-eminent UK packaging awards scheme that has been recognising packaging design and technology since 1960.
UK Packaging Awards
Pre-eminent UK awards covering the packaging industry, with a strong emphasis on innovative thinking, design and use of materials. The Awards are supported by most UK trade bodies in packaging.