Association of Dutch Designers

Association of Dutch Designers, known by its Dutch abbreviation BNO. The BNO represents designers and design agencies in the Netherlands. The association promotes their business, social and cultural interests, and brings together over 2,500 individual designers, as well as 200 design agencies and design departments within companies.
Category Design Organizations
Phone +31 (0)20 6244 748
WG Plein 600
1054 SK Amsterdam
News About Association of Dutch Designers
Twenty Percent More Profit Through Design
The profitability of a new product gains by 20% if design plays an important role in its development phase.
Gert Dumbar Wins BNO Piet Zwart Award
This year, the BNO - Piet Zwart Life Time Achievement Award of the Dutch Design Awards 2009 is awarded to graphic designer Gert Dumbar.