Center for an Urban Future

Center for an Urban Future is a New York City-based think tank that fuses journalistic reporting techniques with traditional policy analysis to produce in-depth reports and workable policy solutions on the critical issues facing our cities.
Category Urban Design Organizations
Phone (212) 479-3341
120 Wall Street
20th Floor
New York, NY 10005
United States
News About Center for an Urban Future
Creative Sector Employs Nearly 300,000 in NYC, 7 Percent of All Jobs Citywide
Nonprofit arts and for profit creative industries were among the fastest growing segments of New York City's economy over the past decade, according to a new report released by the Center for an Urban Future.
Designing New York's Future
Design schools may be the real engines of New York City's innovation economy, according to a new report published today by the Center for an Urban Future, a Manhattan based think tank.