Holmes Wood

Holmes Wood was founded in 2000 as a unique combination of complementary talents in wayfinding and graphic design. From our studio near The Barbican in London, we give clients incisive advice as a prelude to design work that is original and appropriate.
Website holmes-wood.com
Category Information Design Companies
Phone +44 (0)20 7326 9970
1 Monkwell Square
United Kingdom
Mentions of Holmes Wood
WilkinsonEyre Transforms Science Museum to Create World's Largest Medical Galleries
WilkinsonEyre recently transformed the first floor of the Science Museum in London to create the largest medicine galleries in the world.
SEGD Reinvents Award-Winning Magazine
The Society for Environmental Graphic Design (SEGD) has renamed and redesigned its award-winning magazine that showcases the best in graphic design for the built environment.