Shelter Global

Shelter Global is an interdisciplinary not-for-profit organization focused on providing safe, clean living conditions for everyone. Inadequate shelter has a direct connection to the cycle of poverty and can have a major effect on ones health, safety and prosperity. Our goal is to spread awareness about the large percentage of the worlds population living in these conditions. Spreading this awareness will give rise to new ideas on how to solve the world's shelter crisis.
Category Architecture Organizations
Phone (440) 487-6817
2627 W Prindiville St
Chicago, IL
United States
News About Shelter Global
2017 Dencity Competition: A Competition to Improve Slums Worldwide
Shelter Global is inviting architects, planners, students, engineers, designers, thinkers, NGOs and organizations from all over the world to take part in the 2017 Dencity Competition.
Dencity 2016
The 2016 Dencity competition is now open for submissions. The competition aims to foster new ideas on how to better handle the growing density of unplanned cities. Now, more than ever, architects and designers need to play a central role in the development of substandard neighborhoods.