
Floodfonts is an independent type foundry based in Cologne, Germany, and was founded in the year 2000 by Felix Braden.
Website floodfonts.com
Category Type Foundries
Phone +49 221 5348136
Brohler Str. 17
50968 Köln
News About Floodfonts
Felix Braden Releases New Type Family 'Arpona'
Felix Braden has released his new type family 'Arpona.' Arpona is inspired by roman letters carved in stone but otherwise difficult to categorize. It is neither a pure serif nor a sans but rather a symbiosis of different design concepts.
Floodfonts Releases Pulpo Typeface
Floodfonts has released Pulpo, a Clarendon style typeface with the skeleton of Century Schoolbook. Longer extenders give the text a bit more air to breathe and improve legibility in small text sizes.