Design Business Association

The DBA champions the transformative power of design, promoting its strategic and economic value to business and government. As the industry's trade association we represent a vibrant community of design agencies and design-centric businesses. Together we are the collective voice for design.
Category Design Organizations
Phone +44 (0)20 7251 9229
35-39 Old Street
United Kingdom
News About Design Business Association
2012 DBA Design Effectiveness Awards Shortlist
After weeks of collating entries and two rounds of rigorous judging, the Design Business Association announced the shortlisted winners of this year's Design Effectiveness Awards.
Laura Haynes of Appetite Named DBA President 2011-2013
Laura Haynes of Appetite has been appointed as President of the Design Business Association (DBA), taking over from outgoing President Nick Ramshaw of Thompson Brands.
DBA Design Effectiveness Awards 2008
The DBA's annual Design Effectiveness Awards are both prestigious and authoritative, the only award scheme that uses commercial data as a key judging criteria.
Mentions of Design Business Association
Design Needs You: New Campaign to Support Aspiring Young Talent
Design Skills Academy has today launched a campaign to urge designers to provide practical support to the next generation of talent.
Design Council Appoints John Mathers as Chief Executive
The Design Council has appointed John Mathers as its Chief Executive. The Design Council also announced the appointment of two key roles in its Cabe team - to strengthen its programs for the built environment and lead the process of design review.
First Design Council Forum Concludes That Government Should Have a Design Strategy
The first Design Council Forum of nearly 100 leaders in design, business, government and education has cautiously agreed that government should have a design strategy.
Royal Designers for Industry 2011
Six of the UK's best designers are to be recognised for their outstanding contribution to design and society by becoming Royal Designers for Industry (RDI) at an award ceremony held at the RSA on November 17.
Design for All Helps BT to Number One Phone in UK
When BT set out to relaunch its successful range of Freestyle handsets they wanted to continue to create a phone that would appeal to a large market, and be usable by those with physical impairments.
PDD Wins DBA Design Effectiveness Award for Second Year Running
PDD has won the DBA Design Effectiveness Award 2010 for the easypod advanced auto-injector device created for client Merck Serono.
Finnish Design Yearbook 2010-11
In 2010, design has taken on a clearly defined role in shaping the future.
User Centric Focus Key to Successful Redesign of Urine Monitoring Device
PDD's innovative, integrated approach to medical device development has paid off with the announcement that it has won a Gold Award for Unomedical's UnoMeter Safeti Plus urine monitoring device, at the DBA Design Effectiveness Awards held on 22 October 2009.
Top British Designers Appointed to Design Bugs Out of NHS Hospitals.
Some of the UK's top designers & manufacturers have been selected to redesign furniture and equipment for NHS hospitals to help in the fight against MRSA and other healthcare associated infections.