A+D Museum

The mission of the A+D Architecture and Design Museum in Los Angeles is to expose the general public to the importance of architecture and design in the community, to encourage innovative thinking in these disciplines, to stimulate an awareness of contemporary issues in architecture and design, whether to the general public, school children or the educated professional.
Website aplusd.org
Category Architecture Museums
Phone (213) 346-9734
900 E. 4th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90013
United States
News About A+D Museum
Designing Worlds: Re-envisioning Realities through Video Games
'Designing Worlds' online exhibition is now live on the A+D Museum's digital gallery. The exhibit focuses on the ground-breaking work being done by emerging video game designers and artists as a means of tackling or escaping reality.
Built by Women: Los Angeles 2020
The Beverly Willis Architecture Foundation (BWAF) has announced a selection of 56 projects from women-led architecture, landscape, engineering and construction firms in the Los Angeles area to be showcased at the annual Built by Women exhibit, opening May 15 at the A+D Museum.
Shelter: Rethinking How We Live in Los Angeles
On August 20, A+D Architecture and Design Museum will present Shelter: Rethinking How We Live in Los Angeles, featuring architects and designers' creative new residential solutions that respond to the city's increasing density, decreasing buildable land, new transit offerings, growing diversity, ballooning…