The Pentawards 2007 Winners Announced

The Pentawards 2007 Winners Announced

Presided over by Gerard Caron, the international jury for the Pentawards, the first worldwide competition dedicated exclusively to Packaging Design, announce their list of winners for 2007.

Swinckels by Design Bridge Amsterdam

Design Bridge Amsterdam (Holland) has won the Diamond Pentaward, best of the show, for its outstanding work for the beer Swinckels. The Diamond Pentaward, the work of the American artist Christian Heckscher, is enhanced by a genuine one-carat diamond.

The Platinum Pentawards, which are awarded for the best packaging in the 5 major categories, are:


Beverages Category: Trendway, Norway, for Mi Cider

Turner Duckworth

Food Category: Turner Duckworth, UK, for Waitrose Canned Pasta and Vegetables

Wallace Church

Body Category: Wallace Church, USA, for Right Guard RGX Body Spray


Luxury Category: Camus, France, for Camus Extra Elegance

Other Markets Category: no Platinum awarded

These award winners received their trophies during the Luxepack Exhibition which was just held in Monaco (France) and their creations will be displayed at the Luxepack Exhibition in Shanghai in November 07. In addition, Diamond and Platinum Pentawards received an Esko Visualizer software.

Gold, Silver and Bronze Pentawards have also been handed out in most of the sub-categories.

Winners are from the following countries: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Croatia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Holland, Italy, Japan, Norway, Peru, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, Sweden, USA.

All the winning designs can be seen on the site

Brigitte Evrard, co- founder of the Pentawards, explains: "For this first edition, we recorded 517 entries from 42 countries. We are happy to have received a number of entries from the emerging countries, principally from Eastern Europe and South America. We have noted the very high quality and creativity of the designs coming from all countries. Packaging design is a very demanding and difficult discipline, as it is subject to the laws of a market more and more focussed on cost reduction and short-term profitability. Packaging designers must often do a lot with a little.

The goal of the Pentawards is to reward designs originating from all markets, from mass-market to luxury. Therefore, we have 5 broad categories grouping together a total of almost 40 categories.

Jean Jacques Evrard, co-founder, adds: "The Pentawards jury is composed of 12 specialists in packaging design, designers and marketers based in England, Russia, the USA, China, Brazil, Japan, France, Switzerland and Australia. This large international panel allows a broad range of opinion which takes account of the cultural and economic specificities of each participant. We want to reward the creativity of all the packaging designers in the world".


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