Sonic Union Gives Water a Voice for Poland Spring

Sonic Union Gives Water a Voice for Poland Spring

NY-based Sonic Union mixer Steve Rosen takes water on a melodic journey back to its source in the new CGI-rich :30 "Born Better" for Nestle Waters' Poland Spring, out of McCann Erickson, NY, NY.

The vivid VFX spot, produced by Smuggler and Psyop, simulates a fast-paced amusement park ride following the unique POV of water droplets traveling back to nature, across oceans, splashing over waterfalls, through rivers, and finally to their pure underground source.

Born Better

Sonic Union created an audio backdrop for this surrealistic journey; "Born Better" came to the audio post house completely silent, with Sonic Union's David Papa recording, and Rosen both designing and mixing the sound.

Sonic Union

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