Gentleman Scholar teamed with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in this spot for the G20 Summit in Cannes. The video illustrates Bill Gates' speech, beautifully animating the philanthropist's optimistic message. The speech highlights how far we have come over the last 50 years in regard to the status of development aid, despite the current poor global economic climate.
Gentleman Scholar's creative approach was rooted in a graphic style and animation technique that spoke to technology, while still maintaining an approachable charm. They were able to tie the animation together with smooth transitions from one speaking point to the next. These transitions were crucial to the overall creativity, as well as the "see-say" pacing of Gates' cadence.

"Working with The Gates Foundation on such a creative project could not have been more rewarding," noted Will Johnson, who co-directed the film. "Being able to see our talents used in conjunction with the importance of Bill Gates' G20 speech and The Gates Foundation itself is something we'll always have a deep appreciation for."