BauhausGuide, a new app that offers a virtual tour of Bauhaus sights in Germany and around the world, is now available free in the App Store.
The Bauhaus - one of the 20th century's most important colleges of art, architecture and design - left traces throughout the world. More than a hundred Bauhaus sites are now easier to find thanks to the new iPhone app. The BauhausGuide, jointly developed by the Bauhaus Archive in Berlin, the Bauhaus Foundation in Dessau, and the Weimar Classics Foundation, leads the user to the icons of modernism and hidden Bauhaus locations.

The app is a travel guide and reference work combined. An interactive map leads to more than a hundred locations in Germany and all over the world that are linked with the Bauhaus - including opening times and detailed information about their services.
The most important sites can be linked with tours suggested by the authors. Valuable information about locations, teachers and students is provided in a dictionary that is included, and texts on specialized topics introduce the history of the Bauhaus and its influence - offering a foretaste of the travel book that is being published simultaneously. Additional audio content provides more detailed information on selected topics and individuals.