
The Bauhaus-Archiv is devoted to the research and presentation of the history and influence of the Bauhaus. It is the most complete existing collection focused on the history of the school and all aspects of its work and is accessible to all.
Category Design Museums
Phone +49 (0)30 / 25 40 02 - 47
Klingelhoferstrasse 14
10785 Berlin
News About Bauhaus-Archiv
BauhausGuide: The App for the Bauhaus
BauhausGuide, a new app that offers a virtual tour of Bauhaus sights in Germany and around the world, is now available free in the App Store.
Bauhaus Archive: First Bauhaus App Brings Modernist Art School to Web 2.0
The first official Bauhaus app is now available on the App Store for iPhone and iPod touch.