Geyrhalter and Company Creates Complete Brand Experience for Vimmia

Geyrhalter & Company Creates Complete Brand Experience for Vimmia

Geyrhalter & Company recently partnered with LA-based fashion house Bordeaux for the market introduction of Vimmia, a new women's active wear line.

The fashion house creates multiple contemporary lines, including Bordeaux, sold exclusively in Anthropologie stores nationwide and in Europe, and Heather by Bordeaux, a fashion-forward line with a strong celeb support and sold in high-end boutiques nationwide and throughout Europe & Asia. For Vimmia, company owner Ardy Raminfar turned to G&Co to equip the brand with the "vim" and vigor necessary to enter the booming niche market.

Geyrhalter & Co. conceived and developed Vimmia's memorable and highly adaptive mark from the ground up, beginning with the apparel line's Latin-derived namesake meaning "life force." Vimmia active wear is designed to integrate form and function using a new high-tech luxe fabric called movvu, also named by Geyrhalter & Co. Assets for the comprehensive Brand Atmosphere include a sexy, modern logo design & identity, e-commerce site, tag line, as well as hang tags.

Vimmia was launched to fill a void in the marketplace for chic women's active wear by bridging and combining great fashion details and styling with high tech performance. There are also plans to develop strategic partnerships with high-end fitness venues and luxury resorts & spas. This meant Geyrhalter & Co's brand strategy needed to intrinsically appeal to both its female consumers and potential sales partners.

"Fabian Geyrhalter and his team conceptualized and created smart, sexy, and versatile branding for the launch of our Vimmia line," commented Kim Harlan, Sales & Marketing Manager for the Bordeaux and Vimmia labels.

"They understood exactly what we envisioned, brand-wise, entering the high-end women's active wear market, and were integral to helping shape and position Vimmia among the top, fashion-forward active wear lines in the marketplace. Every asset they created was intrinsic to culminating the brand experience we sought to emotionally resonate with women looking for a line of clothing to complement their active, healthy, and stylish lifestyles."

Geyrhalter & Company