Duffy & Partners has recenlty completed a brand revitalization project for Fisher-Price. Designing for the business of play and development, Duffy created a new brand identity, brand language, packaging system, point of sale materials and collateral.

Duffy saw no need to change the iconic Fisher-Price mark, but an opportunity to build meaning and relevance with a brand language. The result is a systematic solution for package design with simplified, organized messaging.

Duffy's design for Fisher-Price creates a clear and cohesive message that encompasses over 3,000 products sold across the world. The Joy of Learning messaging sets the brand apart and conveys the developmental benefits of play through a universally identifiable packaging system. Duffy's brand structure communicates the enrichment of play across ages and a variety of product offerings. In contrast with the previous design, Fisher-Price is illustrated with a new photographic approach and brand architecture framework for sub-branding.

From pre-natal and infant gear, to toys for infants and preschoolers, new packaging is available in 30 different countries and translated into 10 languages.