MPC LA, Peter Berg and 72andSunny Create an Immersive World for Call of Duty - Advanced Warfare

MPC LA, Peter Berg and 72andSunny Create an Immersive World for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

The raw power of intense combat sets the stage in the latest live-action trailer for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare - shot entirely in first-person POV with actor Taylor Kitsch and a cameo by Emily Ratajkowski.

MPC LA teamed with Pony Show director Peter Berg and 72andSunny to immerse viewers on a riveting experience to 'discover your power.' The journey of the first-person point-of-view camera, heavy CG effects, extras, war vehicles, carefully rigged pyrotechnics, and choreographed stunts were all meticulously planned to the smallest detail, so all the different elements would integrate perfectly and feel utterly realistic.

Using CG to bridge and glue it all together, MPC artists crafted a wide range of complex VFX, including full CG photoreal cities, war-torn bridges, explosions, bullets, hover bikes, CG soldiers and war birds. Enhancements to the location and set extensions transformed a fantastic California desert set into the game's ultimate destination of Lagos, Nigeria in 2059.

The Moving Picture Company

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