Typographics - A Design Conference on Contemporary Typography Comes to New York City

Typographics: A Design Conference on Contemporary Typography Comes to New York City

Typographics is an ambitious two-day typography conference, surrounded by two weeks of workshops and events, planned for this June at The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art in New York City. Organized by Cooper's Type@Cooper and the Herb Lubalin Study Center of Design and Typography, the conference provides a platform for designers to share broad perspectives on where typography is today and where it is going.

"There are conferences on graphic design, and conferences on type design, but Typographics is devoted to typography-the use of type in every medium," said Roger Black, a veteran publication designer who is collaborating on the conference.

During Typographics more than 20 speakers will present about a fundamental aspect of graphic design that bridges all content.

"We're bringing together typographical stars and talented new-comers from around the globe," said Alexander Tochilovsky, curator of the Herb Lubalin Study Center.

Confirmed speakers include Sue Apfelbaum, Matteo Bologna (Mucca), Louise Fili, Mike Fortress, Barbara Glauber (Heavy Meta), Jackie Goldberg (Yahoo!), Bethany Heck (Microsoft), Marty Hall, Jonathan Hoefler (Hoefler & Co.), Bruno Maag (Dalton Maag), Abbott Miller (Pentagram), Juan Carlos Pagan (Deutsch NY), Adrian Shaughnessy, Paula Scher, Alex Trochut and Erik van Blokland (LettError).

One, two, three and four-day intensive workshops, organized by Type@Cooper's coordinator Cara Di Edwardo, will bookend the conference. Besides the hand-lettering, sign painting, calligraphy and font technology workshops that Type@Cooper is well known for, workshops will include digital publishing and responsive design.

more: typographics.com (297)


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