Top industry professionals lead a highly focused and comprehensive study of key typeface design principles: technique, technology, aesthetics, expression, history, and theory. Students explore the foundation of typography in depth by creating their own typefaces in hands-on classes, while developing a broad understanding of the field through lectures, discussions, and research.
Website coopertype.org
Category Typography Training
Phone (212) 353-4195
41 Cooper Square
New York, NY
United States
News About Type@Cooper
Typographics 2016: A Design Festival for People Who Use Type
Typographics, a typography conference organized by Cooper's Type@Cooper, returns for a second year to The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art in New York City.
Typographics: A Design Conference on Contemporary Typography Comes to New York City
Typographics is an ambitious two-day typography conference, surrounded by two weeks of workshops and events, planned for this June at The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art in New York City. Organized by Cooper's Type@Cooper and the Herb Lubalin Study Center of Design and Typography…