KAAN Architecten Unveils Faculty of Medicine of the Universidade Anhembi Morumbi

KAAN Architecten Unveils Faculty of Medicine of the Universidade Anhembi Morumbi

KAAN Architecten has unveiled the design for the new Faculty of Medicine of the Universidade Anhembi Morumbi (UAM) in São José dos Campos, a city in the greater metropolitan area of São Paulo State. Located in proximity to a main road junction of the city, the building stands on an elevated plot, which creates both isolation and ideal conditions to turn it into a new landmark in the dense urban fabric.

Optimizing the topographical characteristics of the area, the project stands firm and visually opens itself up to the city. The intense Brazilian solar radiation is mitigated by a fully encompassing system of vertical slabs that fulfills the need for shade in every façade. Choosing a regular structural system enabled KAAN Architecten to feature glass between the concrete slabs and roof beams. These are molded in loco, relying on the expertise of the local workforce, and eliminating the need for masonry.

The Faculty of Medicine in São José dos Campos is scheduled for completion by the end of 2017.

KAAN Architecten

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