KAAN Architecten

KAAN Architecten is a Netherlands based architectural firm, operating in a global context, KAAN merges practical and academic expertise within the fields of architecture, urbanism, research, and strategy.
Website kaanarchitecten.com
Category Architecture Companies
Phone +31 (0)10 206 00 00
Boompjes 255
3011 XZ Rotterdam
News About KAAN Architecten
Crematorium Siesegem by KAAN Architecten
KAAN Architecten has designed the new Crematorium Siesegem on the outskirts of Aalst. The building is an ode to verticality, while being horizontal and pure in its geometry and balanced proportions.
KAAN Architecten Designs CUBE for Tilburg University
KAAN Architecten has designed 'CUBE,' the new Education and Self Study Center at Tilburg University. This compact and ostensibly low structure blends into its surrounding green landscape and into the larger architectural ensemble of the Dutch educational campus, which includes the quintessential Cobbenhagen…
KAAN Architecten Completes ISMO
KAAN Architecten recently completed the new Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d'Orsay (ISMO), part of the future campus of the Université Paris-Saclay (France).
KAAN Architecten Completes Utopia: Library and Academy for Performing Arts
KAAN Architecten recently completed Utopia, a Library and Academy for Performing Arts in Aalst, Belgium.
KAAN Architecten Unveils Faculty of Medicine of the Universidade Anhembi Morumbi
KAAN Architecten has unveiled the design for the new Faculty of Medicine of the Universidade Anhembi Morumbi (UAM) in São José dos Campos, a city in the greater metropolitan area of São Paulo State.
KAAN Architecten Unveils B30
KAAN Architecten recently transformed a historical building in The Hague, housing five unique agencies including the independent planning bureaus (CPB, SCP, PBL), the Council for the Environment and Infrastructure (Rli) and the Dutch Data Protection Authority (DPA).