Big Ideas for Small Lots NYC is a two-stage design competition for small-scale, urban infill housing. The competition is organized by the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) and the American Institute of Architects New York (AIANY), and seeks to address the challenges associated with the design and construction of affordable housing on underutilized City-owned land.
The design competition seeks proposals with the goal of: promoting excellence in urban infill design; exploring design and construction strategies to inform quality, affordable, small-home development; demonstrating feasible, replicable housing solutions across various site and neighborhood conditions; and engaging and building capacity of architects to act as critical partners in the development of City-owned, vacant sites.
Finalists for Stage I will be awarded by AIANY a monetary stipend in the amount of $3,000 and invited to participate in an exhibition and panel discussion at the Center for Architecture. HPD will organize a series of workshops and networking sessions for finalists, in conjunction with AIANY, to facilitate the formation of development teams and aid finalists in developing their Stage I submissions into site-specific proposals.
HPD will choose to designate one or more development proposals formulated in Stage II to be developed for affordable housing on City-owned land.
The deadline for submissions is March 24, 2019.
more: urbaninfilldesigncompetition.cityofn (452)